| Fashion Stake

Have you heard of FashionStake ?!  It’s a very cool “community marketplace for independent fashion”. They’ve been chosen as one of six best new e-commerce shops to bookmark by Refinery 29, and they’ve asked Peacock & Lime to be a part of it! So exciting 🙂  For now, they are offering the karma circle, heart and star wish bracelets, and have already included them in part of Julia’s picks “a … Continue reading | Fashion Stake

Mother’s Day Giveaway at the Black Star Boutique

Happy May!!! What better way to start off a brand new month, than with a giveaway?! Tina {of the Black Star Boutique} is hosting a giveaway for Mother’s Day on her blog! There are some fantastic items to be won!  … here’s a little peek from her site …  “Mother’s Day Giveaway   I have a really fun Mother’s Day Giveaway planned! I would like to … Continue reading Mother’s Day Giveaway at the Black Star Boutique