bead soup update

Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I posted about being part of a Bead Soup Blog Party?

Well … I just received my secret stash of goodies the other day from Fay Wolfenden, and what can I say?!  What amazing pieces she sent! Fay hand forged all of the steel components (jump rings, clasp & wire pendant), and made the lampwork headpins and lampwork beads!  Are you not just in awe of being able to make such pretty things?!  I especially love the little headpins – what a great additional detail they add!   I can’t wait to use them, but have to come up with the perfect design to showcase them all … hmmmmm. The pressure is on!

Fay also included an extra special piece … using peacock &  lime colours. How cool is that?!  Thank you so much 🙂


And as promised here is the bead soup mix I sent to Fay … I can’t wait to see what she will make of it!


Stay tuned to see the final pieces (with maybe a few updates in between)!

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